This legacy continues with Honorary Colonel Sasha Darling. Thank you for the tremendous amount of work and passion you have given to the regiment already. I am consistently amazed by your ability to focus on solutions, rather than problems. Dauntlessness, it appears, is a family trait. I look forward to working with you in the years ahead.
With Honorary Colonel Darling’s appointment, we say so long, but not goodbye, to now former Honorary Colonel John MacIntyre.
He has done yeoman’s work in advocating for the regiment and his compassion knows no bounds. His generosity, in every sense of the word, was truly inspiring and has allowed for so many soldiers to connect their modern service to our proud heritage in Belgium, France, Italy, and the Netherlands. His vast experience in the corporate world helped many of us challenge our assumptions and consider novel solutions.
It is also my privilege to announce that Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Anatol von Hahn has formally received his appointment. Many of you already know Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel von Hahn through his service in the regiment as a junior officer early in his illustrious career, and in his service to the regimental Senate for the past several years. His exuberance and capacity for strategic thinking is inspiring. After every encounter with him, I feel energized and excited about attacking the next problem.
To all members of the Regimental Family, I wish you a very happy holidays and a joyous new year. I hope you all have occasion to take a break and to enjoy the spirit of the season.