Private George Robertson

27398 Private George Robertson was an 18 year old carpenter originally from Glasgow and serving in the 48th Highlanders when he attested into the 15th Battalion in September 1914 at Valcartier. He was assigned to No. 2 Company and was wounded at 2nd Ypres in April 1915. He served at Festubert in May 1915 and throughout the Fall/Winter of 1915 and the Spring of 1916 in the Ypres salient at Ploegsteert and Hill 60. The battalion suffered a number of casualties at Hill 60 from sniper fire, including LtCol Marshall on May 19, 1916. Hill 60 was an infamous site for sniping because of the close proximity of the front line trenches to the enemy positions on the higher ground allowing German snipers to fire down into the trenches. Exposing one’s head above the trench parapet even momentarily could mean certain death. Private Robertson was killed in action on May 26, 1916 when he was shot in the head by a sniper. He is buried at Railway Dugouts Burial ground.

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