48th Museum Announcement

We are thrilled to officially launch our new website


Be fascinated and informed about our artifacts and Highlanders from 1891 to today.

  • Explore over 6,000 artifacts
  • Learn about over 7,500 Highlanders who served including all those who died in the service of Canada

With your help this will become one of the best military
museum web sites in the world! (If it isn’t already.

Your ideas and suggestions will make it better.

The museum’s collection of artifacts can be searched and studied. 500 have been photographed with more images being added each day. If you can’t visit the museum in person, take a Google Tour on our website and look at the range and depth of artifacts on display.

Thanks to the 15th Battalion project team, and the museum’s records, we have over 5,700 from WWI and over 1,600 from WW2 – many with photographs and service information. More are being added, including peacetime service since 1891. We have records for all those who died in service with the 48th Highlanders of Canada.

It is our intent to eventually have a record for every Highlander who has served.

Amazing Search Capability

You can search in a variety of ways:
  • just artifacts, just soldiers or search both at the same time.
  • filter by era (applicable time frames), type of artifact,  where displayed in the museum, unit(s) in which the Highlander served, service number, etc. etc. 
  • search for places, events, honours and awards, and almost anything else you can think of.
  • sorry but we can’t help you find your socks.
We eventually will have all of the Falcon magazines (going back to 1949) loaded so the web site will search all of them at the same time.

Special Features

  • Artifacts and Highlanders are linked. You can locate a Highlander and be linked to their medals and artifacts. Or start with an artifact and link to the Highlander who used it.
  • For those killed in service, see details including the action they were in, grave location, artifacts, and photographs.
  • You can easily submit questions, comments, corrections and new information about Highlanders and artifacts.

See for yourself

Go to the site. Look at the detail provided for LCol WR Marshall , DSO and our Vimy Cross (click on the images to go to their respective pages). The history of the 48th Highlanders is embodied in these examples, as it is through all our items.

The 48th Highlanders of Canada have a proud history of serving Canada. Search the site to learn and to add to that history.

Forward this posting to family, friends, and acquaintances. The more people who see our site the more the 48th will gain.

Donate your time and skill to make your Regiment’s history come alive for all to see

  • There is information to be added for over 2000 1st Battalion Highlanders who served in WWII.
  • You can do data entry from home, on-line, in whatever time you can spare, wherever you are.
  • The goal is your Regiment’s proud history, complete and visible to all Canadians.
  • Contact us and offer your time for your Regiment.

Contact webmaster

Use this form only for one of the available subject selections. Requests for information about former Highlanders or about the museum will not be answered. Click here for such requests. WE NEVER RESPOND TO SALES SOLICITATIONS!

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