Dufferin Apparel logoDufferin Apparel hosts our online kit shop.

The Regiment is not involved in the sale of any items and does not share in any profits.  You must order directly from Dufferin Apparel, and pay Dufferin Apparel directly.  The items will be delivered to the address you specify.

All items can be ordered with the cap badge either embroidered or dye sublimated.

Please note that the Dufferin Apparel web site is independent of this web site  and that you will require a password to access the branded material on their site. To order items, click the button below then click the cap badge on the page that appears. Use the password 48HighlandersDG

Introducing a new supplier for us, they focus mainly on screen printing but are also located in downtown Toronto so much more easily accessible for our team. Click on the image below to see their site.

These two companies also carry 48th Highlander specific items such as shoulder cords, red + blue backed and Sgian Dubh.

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Use this form only for one of the available subject selections. Requests for information about former Highlanders or about the museum will not be answered. Click here for such requests. WE NEVER RESPOND TO SALES SOLICITATIONS!

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