Regimental History Books

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“The Red Watch”

Author: Col J.A. Currie

This book was published in 1916 and written by the 15th Battalion’s first Commanding Officer. It is an account of the 15th Battalion from its raising in 1914 to when Currie left command following the gas attack during the battle of 2nd Ypres in April 1915.

The book is out of print but a FREE e-book version was created by Project Guttenberg. Click the cover image to read this book on-line.

“The 48th Highlanders of Toronto”

Author: Alexander Fraser

This covers the history of the Regiment from its formation in 1891 until 1900.

This book is out of print. However, logged in users can read an e-book version on-line or download a pdf version. 

If you are logged in, a button to read/download this book will be visible here.

48th Highlanders of Canada 1891-1928

Author: Kim Beattie

This 489 page book provides wonderful detail about the early years and the exploits of the three battalions of the 48th in the the first World War.

This book is out of print. However, logged in users can read an e-book version on-line or download a pdf version.

If you are logged in, a button to read/download this book will be visible here.

Dileas: A History of the 48th Highlanders of Canada 1929–1956

Author:  Kim Beattie

This 980 page book picks up the story of the 48th after the end of the previous book by Kim Beattie. 

This book is out of print. However, logged in users can read an e-book version on-line or download a pdf version.

If you are logged in, a button to read/download this book will be visible here.


“Family of Volunteers – An illustrated history of the 48th Highlanders of Canada”

Author: George W. Beal

A small number of copies are available from the Museum.

“The Spirit of the Regiment”

“An account of the 48th Highlanders from 1956 to 1991”

Author: Jack Batten

A number of copies are available from the Museum.

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