Veterans Services Team Blog #8

48th Association logo

By: Sgt Al Kowalenko, OMC (Retd) 48th Veterans Services Coordinator Summer greetings to our 48th Highlanders of Canada veterans of all eras, Active Battalion members, and our Regimental Family. Each Summer,  we look forward to two important parades for our 48th veterans that will take place in July and August, as follows: PACHINO DAY PARADE […]

Veterans Services Team Blog #7

48th Association logo

Spring greetings to our 48th Highlanders veterans of all eras, Active Battalion, and members of our extended Regimental Family.

This year will be one of major changes for the Regiment….a new RSM….a new Honorary Colonel…and a new Commanding Officer….all to happen in 2024!

Below are our current updates:

Annual Act of Remembrance Parade – 21 April 2024

48th Association logo

Fellow Highlanders/Members of the Association, The 48th Highlanders of Canada Regimental family participates in an annual Act of Remembrance Parade by marching to the Regimental Church, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 73 Simcoe St. Tor ON M5J 1W9 on the Sunday closest to St Julien Day. This year, the parade will be held on April 21st and it […]

Famous Highlander Video Interviews:

Falcon Head

Sgt Ozzie Reece, MWO George McLean, Capt Norm Gogo, Major Tom White and Sgt Herb Pike: by Scott Masters, Director of the Crestwood Oral History Project Greetings Highlanders! We just wanted to let you know of a project that many members of the 48th might find interesting and that is the “Crestwood Oral History Project”. […]


Falcon Head

Final Week Of The Matching Holland Fundraiser GREETINGS HIGHLANDERS – SERVING SOLDIERS, FORMER SERVING MEMBERS AND MEMBERS OF OUR EXTENDED REGIMENTAL FAMILY We are in the home stretch of the matching fundraiser. There’s one week left! Thus far, we have raised $6,400 and the matching amount is now $850. Thank you very much for the […]


48th Association logo

By: Sgt Al Kowalenko, OMC (Retd) 48th Veterans Services Coordinator CALLING ALL 48TH VETERANS! The month of November brings with it Remembrance Week and Remembrance Day on Saturday, November 11th. We are calling on all our 48th Highlanders Veterans past and present (from the 1950s through the 2000s) to attend and support two important upcoming Remembrance […]

Message from the HONORARY COLONEL

Falcon Head

GREETINGS HIGHLANDERS – SERVING SOLDIERS, FORMER MEMBERS, AND MEMBERS OF THE REGIMENTAL FAMILY –    What a privilege it was to represent our Regiment in the 2022 Remembrance Day ceremonies held in Ortona, Italy. HCol (Ret) John Newman and I stood proudly as a new plaque was dedicated, honouring the 48thHighlanders of Canada contribution in the […]

48th Association Remembrance Weekend Activities

48th Association logo

 The 48th Highlanders Regimental Association Regimental Remembrance Activities Weekend of Nov. 05 – 06, 2022   SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th 11:00 hrs – 48th Remembrance Service at Mount Pleasant Cemetery  Form up by 10:30 hrs near the 48th Monument in the cemetery.  Padre to lead the service.  Chair (Interim) of 48th Highlanders Regimental Association to march on the […]


Falcon Head

GREETINGS HIGHLANDERS – SERVING SOLDIERS, FORMER SERVING MEMBERS AND MEMBERS OF OUR EXTENDED REGIMENTAL FAMILY Our Regimental web site contains a growing wealth of information about the Regiment’s current exercises and activities, and our remarkable and rich history.   We are pleased to announce that Kim Beattie’s Regimental history books are now available online at […]

48th Museum Announcement

We are thrilled to officially launch our new website 48TH HIGHLANDERS MUSEUM ONLINE Check it out! Be fascinated and informed about our artifacts and Highlanders from 1891 to today. Explore over 6,000 artifacts Learn about over 7,500 Highlanders who served including all those who died in the service of Canada With your help this will […]

Message from the Padre – #4

48th Stained Glass

A number of years ago at the annual regimental dinner in December, MWO Mark McVety CD (Ret’d) gave a talk to the newest members of the unit about where and how the regiment had passed Christmas during the long years of the First and Second World Wars.   It was a lot to take in, […]

48th Highlanders of Canada – Veterans Services Team – Blog #2 – December, 2021

Falcon Head

By: Sgt Al Kowalenko, OMC (Retd), 48th Veterans Services Coordinator   Greetings to our 48th Veterans, Active Battalion Members, and Regimental Family: As a follow-up to our 48th Veterans Services blog of March, 2021, we are now providing a current update on “Veterans Affairs Canada” (VAC), including information on its structure and access to their […]

November 11, 2021: The Fallen of the 15th Battalion 1914-1921 – Dileas Gu Brath

15th Bn Cap Badge

During The Great War 1914-1918 the 15th Battalion (48th Highlanders) lost 61 Officers and 1,406 Non Commissioned Officers and Men Killed in Action, Missing in Action, Died of Wounds or Died of illness. The Fallen are buried in 206 cemeteries in Europe, The United Kingdom and Canada. The Missing are commemorated on the Menin Gate […]

Message from the 15th Battalion’s ‘Man at the Front’

15th Bn Cap Badge

Time for a catch up on the situation here in France. It has been an interesting ride since April when I last wrote about life in the north of France. Back then we were under curfew and suffering from a somewhat slow roll-out of the various vaccines. We had started with the accepted formula that […]

Message from the Commanding Officer

Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) rank insignia

Hello Highlanders –   It’s a great day to be a Highlander!   Tomorrow, 16 October 2021, is the 130th anniversary of the founding of our Regiment; and we celebrate 130 years of service to Canada and Canadians.   We had planned a weekend of celebrations and events to mark this significant milestone – an […]

Message from the Padre – #3

48th Stained Glass

Among my favourite photos in the Regiment’s vast archives are those of war time weddings. Each photo tells an amazing story of two people who chose to take a leap of faith and tie the knot in the face of a very uncertain future in dangerous and difficult times. Perhaps the uncertainty of the times […]

105th Anniversary Thiepval Ridge 1916

15th Bn Cap Badge

“They were on The Somme” Between September 1st and October 14th, 1916 the 15th Battalion took part in the Canadian Corps’ offensive on The Somme for which the battalion was awarded the Battle Honours, Somme 1916, Poziers, Thiepval and Ancre Heights. There were three phases in the 15th Battalion’s participation in Somme offensive: September 1-25 […]

From The RSM’s Desk – Blog #3:

Cdn Army CWO

Good day fellow Highlanders, As I write this blog, we are quickly approaching our 130th Regimental Birthday and coincidentally the first anniversary of my assuming the appointment of RSM.  The time is passing quickly, but as you will read below you have accomplished many great things this summer. There have been many parts of this […]

Message from the Honorary Lieutenant Colonel

Falcon Head

Building bridges through inclusion This blog begins in the midst of the High Holidays, which is an important time of year for people of the Jewish faith. Shana Tova to Jewish members of our Regimental community and may it be an easy fast. Ours is a Regiment and a Brigade that is rich in diversity, […]

Message from the Commanding Officer

Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) rank insignia

Greetings Highlanders –   It’s a great day to be a Highlander!   As I’m enjoying the last few days of summer, I thought that I should send out a brief update on the status of the Regiment, and let you know what’s going on as we resume training.   We continue to navigate our […]

104th anniversary of Hill 70

15th Bn Cap Badge

This is the 104th anniversary of the battle of Hill 70 during which the 15th Battalion (48th Highlanders) assaulted and captured Puits 14 and Bois Hugo as part of the Canadian Corps’ assault on Hill 70 near Lens, France. The battalion was in the first wave of the assault on the Corps’ exposed and vital […]

The 103rd Anniversary of the battle of Amiens: August 8-10, 1918

15th Bn Logo

The battle of Amiens was the beginning of Canada’s 100 Days on the road to final victory in The Great War. In March 1918 the German High Command commenced a series of large scale offensives along the Western Front. Although German forces achieved significant gains the Allies eventually contained their advance. The British and French […]

Message from the Commanding Officer

Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) rank insignia

Hello Highlanders –   It’s hard to believe that we’re at the August Long Weekend already – the mid-point of summer.  The summer sure is flying by.   You’ll have seen the FALCON by now, and know several notable, long serving members have retired during this past training year: WO Ian Dewar Sgt Colin Dewar […]

Message from the Padre – #2

48th Stained Glass

As the old joke goes, Canada has only two seasons: winter and July. This July will find me on a busman’s holiday in the Kawartha Lakes. There is a little church on an island in Stoney Lake called St Peter’s-on-the-Rock. It was established in 1914 and with the addition of a cottage in 1920, it has hosted […]

From The RSM’s Desk – Blog #2:

Cdn Army CWO

Hello Highlanders, As I write this blog, we are closing out another training year and beginning to look forward to the summer months and the fall training cycle. This has certainly been a challenging year.  The restrictions on training imposed by health protection measures required ongoing adjustments to plans, training, ceremonies and everything that is […]


Falcon Head

“What is our legacy?”   GREETINGS HIGHLANDERS – SERVING SOLDIERS, FORMER SERVING MEMBERS AND MEMBERS OF OUR EXTENDED REGIMENTAL FAMILY   As a Wealth Advisor, I regularly ask clients to think about and articulate their desired legacy.  So, what is a legacy?  It is most often defined in two ways: 1. monies (or property) gifted […]

Message from the Commanding Officer

Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) rank insignia

Hello Highlanders – We’re well into May now – and finally the weather has caught up with the calendar!   And the end of the Training Year is in sight.  Although we have about 4 weeks of training left, we’re already seeing soldiers depart, or getting ready to depart, for training and courses this summer. This […]

Message from the Honorary Colonel

Falcon Head

GREETINGS HIGHLANDERS – SERVING SOLDIERS AND FORMER ACTIVE AND ASSOCIATE MEMBERS OF THE REGIMENTAL FAMILY –     As we continue, amidst Covid related restrictions and related negative news, I want to share some recent positive stories that relate to, or involve, the 48th Highlanders. In Ontario, we have hit the target of giving at least one […]

Virtual Act of Remembrance 2021 – on YouTube (with subtitles)

48th Cap badge

Due to Covid-19, the 48th Highlanders of Canada conducted a small ceremony to enable our regiment to come together virtually and remember those who came before us. After the gas attacks during the 2nd battle of Ypres, only 150 out of the 912 soldiers of the 48th Highlanders of Canada answered roll call in the […]

From your Regimental Association Executive

48th Association logo

Our 48th Highlanders Regimental Association Group page on Facebook continues to attract a lot of users.  It is our main branch of the new Association.  Check back frequently… but DONT BE AFRAID TO POST PICTURES AND RECOLLECTIONS THAT RELATE TO YOUR SERVICE!  That is why it is there. If you have friends that served with […]

106th Anniversary of 2nd Ypres – Canada’s Baptism of Fire

15th Bn Cap Badge

Today is the 106th anniversary – to the exact day – of the gas attack against the Canadians during the 2nd battle of Ypres on April 24, 1915. It was Canada’s and the 15th Battalion (48th Highlanders) first major engagement of The Great War  – it was to be their ‘Baptism of Fire’. Their desperate […]


Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) rank insignia

  Hello Highlanders – I trust this finds you well – or as well as you can be, in the midst of the third wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and another stay-at-home order in Ontario. I’m going to take this opportunity to bring you up to speed on five items: HCol MacIntyre – we received […]

104th Anniversary of the Battle of Arras

15th Bn Cross - 2018

Have your days merged to the point where you look at the rubbish bin in the kitchen and think, “half full, must be Monday” ? It feels like that for me these days here in France. Things have become decidedly complicated since the beginning of the new year. I live just inside the Somme but am […]

Message from the Padre

Part of the stained glass window at St. Andrews Church, Toronto.

As I write this, many of us are marking Easter week and I can’t help but note that it was on an Easter Monday, April 9, 1917, that the Regiment participated in the famous battle of Vimy Ridge. The weather on that fateful day 104 years ago was cold and sleety, quite different from the […]

Message from the Regimental Sergeant Major

Cdn Army CWO

As I write this first blog from the RSMs desk, I am reflecting on what has happened over the past year. Who would have thought as we collectively “took a knee” to help flatten the curve that we would still be dealing with this pandemic a year later. The COVID 19 mitigation measures that have […]

From the 48th Highlanders Museum

LtCol in Review Order

This Day in History 1st Commanding Officer of 48th Highlanders Confirmed on 25 March 1892 The appointment of Lieutenant Colonel John Irvine Davidson as the first Commanding Officer of the 48th Highlanders was confirmed on 25 March 1892. He had been gazetted (provisionally) on 20 November 1891 just weeks after the authorization of the regiment by the Government of Canada […]


Falcon Head

Highlanders, Latha math to our active unit and cadets, our veterans/former serving members, and our current serving and extended regimental family! Covid-19 has certainly provided us all with challenges. For me personally, it has been a time of reflection and gratitude. I am proud of how our regiment has pivoted, finding opportunities to stay connected […]


Falcon Head

Greetings Highlanders – We’re now four weeks into our weekly blog, and we’ve had blogs written by the HCol, the Regimental Association, and our Veteran’s Care Rep.  Upcoming you’ll see blogs from the 15th Bn Project Team, the RSM, the Padre and a few more.  We aim to have a number of contributors that provide updates and […]

48th Highlanders Veterans Services Team – An Introduction

Falcon Head

By: Sgt Al Kowalenko, OMC (Retd) I am pleased to write this blog about our 48th Veterans Services Team and to connect with all Highlanders of our Active Battalion, former serving members, and our extended Regimental Family and friends.The subject of Veterans Services covers various topics and I often receive questions about what it actually involves […]

Message from the HONORARY COLONEL

Falcon Head

GREETINGS HIGHLANDERS – SERVING SOLDIERS, FORMER SERVING MEMBERS, AND MEMBERS OF THE EXTENDED REGIMENTAL FAMILY –    As I write my first contribution to the weekly blog, I am reminded that the new website is the result of a significant amount of dedicated time and effort in getting us to this point.  It clearly demonstrates what can […]

Regimental Association Sitrep 1/21

48th Association logo

As you must have noticed by now, as of January 2021 we have a new Regimental  Association!  About 500 of you have already asked to join through the 48th Highlanders Regimental Association Group page on Facebook. A new interim executive has been appointed and will meet for the first time next week to chart the way […]

Association Update Sept 2023

48th Association logo

11 Sept 2023 Fellow Highlanders/Members of the Association, As many of you are aware, the 48th Highlanders Regimental Association held its first Annual General Meeting in June. The meeting resulted in several important milestones being met, including the election of our first Executive Committee, and the adoption of our Constitution. One of the challenges being […]

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