48th in Inverness Scotland
48th Book of Remembrance
1915-04-20 map
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This week in history

Have any questions about these events? Have an idea for an event that should be added? Contact the Museum.

15 Jul 2018

Pipes and Drums perform again in Fortissimo at Parliament Hill, Ottawa

16 Jul 1943

Regiment attends World's Fair in Chicago, Illinois from 16 to 21 July

16 Jul 2006

Pipes and Drums participate in Alberta Tattoo in Edmonton from 16 to 23 July.

Show co-produced by DM (MWO) Larry Fullerton

17 Jul 2005

Pipes & Drums perform at Alberta Centennial Tattoo in Edmonton, July 17 to 25.

18 Jul 1943

Battle Honour: Valguarnera. Dog Coy in right hook against MGs on Ridge. RCR and H&PE stopped prior.

Cpl William Frederick Kay leads 5 Highlanders to clear MG post; awarded DCM.

18 Jul 2007

Pipe Major Sandy Dewar's 48 hears of service honoured by Audience in Buckingham Palace with HM

19 Jul 2014

Pipes and Drums participate in Fortissimo in Ottawa - 19 - 27 July

20 Jul 1943

Battle Honour, Assoro. Climb cliff with crop terraces, occupying exit crossroad.

Hastings and Prince Edward Regt. had climbed reverse cliff on prior night.

20 Jul 1945

Distinguished Service Cross to Lt. Col. Donald MacKenzie, DSO for service and leadership

Service and battles named, highlighting successful battle arrangements at Wilp

20 Jul 2013

Miltary Band performs at Orillia Scottish Festival

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