Annual Act of Remembrance Parade – 21 April 2024
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Fellow Highlanders/Members of the Association,

The 48th Highlanders of Canada Regimental family participates in an annual Act of Remembrance Parade by marching to the Regimental Church, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 73 Simcoe St. Tor ON M5J 1W9 on the Sunday closest to St Julien Day.

This year, the parade will be held on April 21st and it will include the Change of Regimental Sergeant Major Appointment from CWO Reesor to CWO French.

The Regiment will march out Moss Park Armoury at 10:45hrs and will follow this route to St. Andrew’s:

a. NORTH out of the gate onto Shuter St;

b. WEST on Shuter St to Jarvis St;

c. SOUTH on Jarvis St to King St; and

d. WEST on King St, Left wheeling into the Church;

The change of RSM will take place in the Church and there will be a reception afterwards in the Great Hall. The Regiment will then board buses back to the Armoury.

Please join us on this special occasion!

Dileas Gu Brath,


Sgt. Guy Bowie, CD (ret’d)
48th Highlanders Regimental Association

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