Our 48th Highlanders Regimental Association Group page on Facebook continues to attract a lot of users. It is our main branch of the new Association. Check back frequently… but DONT BE AFRAID TO POST PICTURES AND RECOLLECTIONS THAT RELATE TO YOUR SERVICE! That is why it is there. If you have friends that served with you, chase them down and get them to sign up. We are at 500 members and our target for the Fall is 1000.
April is a significant month in the history of our Regiment. The battles at St Julien and Granventafel Ridge that were part of the 2nd Battle of Ypres are commemorated and remembered as a time when 15th Battalion (48th Highlanders) suffered more casualties in a single day than any other unit of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. Over the past weeks you have seen the posts that highlight the sacrifices of Highlanders on the page.
If you have not yet done so check out the virtual Regimental Memorial Ceremony video that is now posted there and on the 48th Highlanders You Tube Video channel.
If you haven’t already done so there are two things you need to do to become a fully functioning member of our Association:
1. Please go to the Facebook Group Page that functions as our “Main Branch” and ask to join. Your interim Exec is looking for opportunities and options for Associations members to gather virtually (or in person should restrictions loosen up).
Ask to join and answer the three questions. https://www.facebook.com/groups/843575856446772
and also (and this is very important!)
2. Please register and fill in the information requested at https://48thhighlanders.ca/login/
This second item is very important! It is now fairly clear that the COVID isolation regime is going to be with us for a while longer and it is becoming more and more likely that we will be forced to carry out our founding AGM in September/October will be conducted virtually. That means that the election of members of the new Executive will have to be done using an application that will be based on email voting. The only way to make sure that as a member of your new Regimental Association your vote gets counted is to make sure you are signed up at www.48thhighlanders.ca
Geordie Elms