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Editing a document

This article covers:

  1. Editing the document “record” that contains the data that appear in the Library listing and
  2. Making changes to the document file itself.

Only those users with DocManager authority or higher can edit existing entries. 

Editing the document record

Instructions for finding and opening the edit screen are HERE. With the “Edit document” screen open, you can make changes to:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Document category
  • Document date and
  • The future action date.

When the changes are complete, be sure to click the Publish button before leaving the screen.

Changing the document file

The procedure for modifying the uploaded media file involves downloading the existing file, modifying it and then uploading the revised file. There is no way to modify a media file while it remains on the web site.

Download the existing file

With the document listing open, select the document you want to replace and click the download icon . The document will be stored in the ‘Downloads’ folder on your device. 

Uploading the revised document

You must now locate the original document file and replace it. 

At the top of the Document Library page is the Administration bar. Click on “48th Highlanders of Canada” (extreme left) then “Dashboard” to access the “back end” of the web site. The “dashboard” will open.

On the left hand side of the dashboard is a menu. Click on “Media” then “Library.” A listing of all the media files on the web site will appear. 

It is essential that you not make any changes to the media files that are NOT in the document library. 

Search for the original document file by typing the first word or two of the file title into the search field at the top right corner of the Media Library listing. Click the Search media button.

If the file you are replacing appears, you can either click the Title of the file or hover over the title and click Edit or replace.

  • Click the Select new media file button.
  • On the “Select new media file” screen, click the Select files button
  • Select the document file you have edited.
  • Click the Open button. (Bottom right of the Open window.) The replacement file will be uploaded to the web site.
  • Click the Perform replacement button. (Bottom right of the “Select new media file” screen.
  • On the “Edit Media” screen, click the Update button.

The revised file will now be available in the Document Library.




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