Message from the Commanding Officer
Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) rank insignia
LCol Alkema
LCol Alkema

Greetings Highlanders –


It’s a great day to be a Highlander!


As I’m enjoying the last few days of summer, I thought that I should send out a brief update on the status of the Regiment, and let you know what’s going on as we resume training.


We continue to navigate our way through a latent COVID environment.  There are restrictions to what we can and cannot do, the situation remains fluid, especially with COVID numbers on the increase with the Delta variant, and the current “4th wave”.  However, the Active Unit will resume in-person training this week.


I’ve briefed you all previously about our affiliation with 1 RCR.  Early in September, 4 of our soldiers will depart for CFB Petawawa and 3 months of training with 1 RCR.  Additionally, we are conducting training exercises with 1 RCR in September and October.  This is a significant step for the integration between the Regular Force and the Army Reserve, and will result in some excellent training and experiences, and will make the Regiment stronger as a result.


On Friday 15 October 2021 we are going to celebrate the Regiment’s 130th Anniversary. We had planned to host a Regimental “ceilidh” at Moss Park Armoury on the Friday evening, but with COVID restrictions, unfortunately, that is not going to happen.   Instead, we are preparing a 20-minute video celebrating our Regiment’s history.  This video is being prepared by Capt van der Toorn and Capt Lau, and will be “open” at 2000 hrs on Friday 16 October.  The Regiment will watch this video at MPA, and we invite you to join online at the same time.  There will be reminders and details regarding the link as we get closer to the date.


On Saturday, 16 October, the WO & Sgt Mess will be hosting their Annual Mess Dinner.  It will be held at a remote location, and attendance will be capped at 80.  During this event, the interim Executive of the Regimental Association will step down, and the new Executive will be announced.  This is big step, and concludes the project to restructure the Regimental Association.


As most of you are aware, I am quickly approaching the end of my three years as CO.  I will hand over command of the Regiment to Maj (LCol designate) Morische on Sunday 17 October, 2021.  Due to the current COVID restrictions, this will be a virtual event, with minimum personnel in attendance, very similar to last year’s Change of RSM event.  We will send out details and a link so that you can still participate in this Regimental event – albeit with your feet up and a cold adult beverage.


That’s it for now.  Stay safe, stay healthy; and I hope to see you at some point in the fall.



Niner – Out

R.A. Alkema



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