As we continue, amidst Covid related restrictions and related negative news, I want to share some recent positive stories that relate to, or involve, the 48th Highlanders.
In Ontario, we have hit the target of giving at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine to 40% of adults by May 6. This is really encouraging, and on Friday, I heard from St. Mike’s Hospital that they are planning a revised version of their fundraising Gala for early October. I am hopeful that they have the expertise to make a good prediction on easing out of the constraints and that we may be closer to see a return to a more normal situation that will allow us to gather and train at MPA very soon.
I have good news from the Regimental Senate which met on April 6 via Zoom and approved the terms of reference for the new Communications Committee, and Col Jensen as Chair of that committee. We have already seen the benefits of this new initiative and it will continue to keep us all informed and engaged. Other news from the meeting included a positive report from Capt Von Hahn, the new Chair of the investment committee; an exciting new addition for the museum which HCol Beal will have more to tell us about soon; and a report from BGen Young on the 15th Battalion CEF Memorial Project’s proposed new memorial at Hill 60 where LtCol Marshall was KIA in May 1916.
Last weekend, April 24th and 25th, I attended the Zoom calls for the MacKenzie Shoot on Saturday and the Act of Remembrance on Sunday. These were among the best virtual gatherings I have attended in the last 14 months. As the CO said in his last blog, it is important to maintain our traditions as best we can during the restrictions, and both these events were well thought out and conducted.
In closing, I want to make special mention of an important upcoming event in Penetang. Last June, the Penetang Legion/Lions organized a drive-by, surprise 99th birthday celebration for Norm Gogo- one of our last WWII veterans. Norm still drives and he lives independently at his house in town. He is clearly loved by the community, and he seems more like someone in his 60’s or 70’s. The same group is now organizing a celebration for his 100th in June 2021. I will be attending to represent the 48th Highlanders, and this year Al Kowalenko will drive up from Toronto to join me. Norm is an inspiration and truly embodies the Highlander spirit.
HCol John MacIntyre