Creating content – overview
This document describes how to create and edit the following types of content:
- “blog posts” and
- “historic events.”
The process for each of these is basically the same. At some point, we will add instructions for adding events to the web site calendar.
By entering your material directly into the web site, you will be reducing the time and cost to get your contribution onto the web. The Communication committee can help you with formatting, inserting links to other parts of the internet and with editing and uploading images.
Blog posts
A blog (a truncation of “weblog“) is a discussion or informational website consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). Our web site has been built to allow for the creation of posts that contain information of interest to the 48th Highlanders audience. Posts can contain associate images as well as links to other pages and other web sites.
Once a post has been created and the author is satisfied with the content and attached images, the post must be “published.” This process is performed by a web site Administrator (usually the Digital Manager). Until the post is published, visitors to the site cannot see the post.
When a post is published, two things happen:
- A copy of the post is e-mailed to all members who have registered on the web site, and
- A copy of the post is posted on the two Association Facebook pages.
Portfolio Items
These are like blog posts in terms of their creation and editing. However, on the 48th web site we use Portfolio Items to display a “gallery” of photos each of which has an extensive description. We have also created “portfolio items” that are referenced in selected “Historic events.”
Historic events
The database behind the web site includes “historic event” records which drive the “This week in history” page. New events can be added and existing events edited. The web site automatically displays all events in the current week.
Web site security
Each registered user has been assigned a WordPress “role.” When a member registers, they are assigned the Subscriber role. A member must have at least “Contributor” authority to create or edit anything on the web site. See for more details on WordPress security.
Updated 7 Apr 2021