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Creating and editing Historic events

When a person signs in with the Contributor (or more capable) role, they will be able to see the Admin bar at the top of their screen. Click on “48th Highlanders of Canada” on the left side of this bar to see some of the WordPress Admin page.

Create a new Historic Event

To create a new Historic Event, you can either:
    1. Go to the Admin page (called Dashboard) by clicking on “48th Highlanders” in the upper left corner of your screen. Click the “Historic Events” menu item on the left of the Dashboard page then click “Add New” or
    2. Click “+ New” on the Admin bar and select “Historic Event.”
When the Historic Event page appears, proceed as follows:
  1. Enter the date of the Historic Event in the “date” field. The date MUST be in the format YYYY-MM-DD (with dashes as shown.)
  2. Start typing the body of the text in the area indicated.
  3. Users can upload images directly by clicking on the “Add media” button above the text area.
  4. When you have finished creating the event, BE SURE to click the “Add event” button at the bottom of the screen. The Item will be saved, and you can log out.
  5. Note that there is no approval process for “Historic Events.” When the Event is saved, it will appear automatically in the “Week in History” page (depending on the date of the event.)

Edit existing Historic Event

With the Admin page open, click the “Historic Events” menu item on the left then click “Historic Events” A list of all Historic Events will appear. Find the Historic Event you want to edit by:
  1. Searching for the Historic Event using the search field in the upper right corner of the screen or
  2. Scrolling down the list. (Hint: you can re-sequence the list by clicking on a column heading at the top of the list.)
Hint: To search, you can either enter some text – e.g., “Davidson” or “rifle” – or part of the date – e.g., “1898-12.” So, to find out all dates in the database that occurred on March 30, enter 03-30. When you find the Historic Event you want to edit, select “Edit” under the date of the event. After you have completed your changes, BE SURE to click the Save changes button at the bottom of the screen. Updated 7 Apr 2021
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